December 15, 2005
Diet of the Lithuanian Republic
About a recognition of a genocide of the Armenian nation
Vilnius 2005-12-15
Diet of the Lithuanian Republic Marking the 90-anniversary of a genocide of the Armenian nation, Condemning a genocide of the Armenian nation accomplished by Turks in Ottoman empire in 1915, Calls Turkish Republic to recognize this historic fact.
The project have prepared and have presented
Algis Kaseta, Egidijus Klumbys, Viaceslav Skil, Vytautas Bogusis, Antanas Stasiskis, Algirdas Paleckis, Laima Mogeniene, Saulius Peceliunas, Rytas Kupcinskas, Julius Dautartas, Violeta Boreikiene, Audrius Endzinas, Jonas Cekuolis, Remigijus Acas, Ona Valiukeviciute, Kazys Starkevicius, Edmundas Pupinis, Donatas Jankauskas, Antanas Matulas, Liudvikas Sabutis, Vida Marija Cigrejiene, Vytautas Grubliauskas, Algirdas Sysas, Roma Zakaitiene, Rimantas Smetona, Jonas Juozapaitis, Algirdas Butkevicius, Dalia Teiserskyte, Arimantas Dumcius, Jurgis Razma, Irena Degutiene, Vytautas Galvonas, Saulius Lapenas, Ramune Visockyte, Manfredas Zymantas, Andrius Baranauskas, Loreta Grauziniene, Antanas Bosas, Gintaras Steponavicius, Vince Vaidevute Margeviciene, Raimundas Palaitis, Eligijus Masiulis, Gintaras Sileikis, Skirmantas Pabedinskas, Rimantas Basys, Egidijus Vareikis, Andrius Kubilius
In discussion of the resolution condemning the Genocide of Armenians in Ottoman Turkey of 1915, 55 Lithuanian deputies from 141 on December, 15 have taken part. In support of the document 48 deputies have expressed, 3 have refrained, opponents of acceptance of the bill were not. Most of all for acceptance of the Resolution deputies of " the Union of fatherland " - 13 person, 11 deputies from " the Working party", on 6 person from liberals and social democrats, 5 liberals - democrats, 4 social democrats, and 3 deputies from National fraction have expressed. Have refrained on one deputy from the Working party, social democrats and People party.